How to Set Up a Secure Video Conferencing System for Your Business

Security should always be a primary concern in your business. Here’s how to ensure your video conferences remain confidential.

In today’s fast-paced business world, video conferencing has become an indispensable tool for executives, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. This state-of-the-art technology facilitates real-time communication, fosters collaboration, and enhances productivity, regardless of whether team members are in the office or working remotely. 

However, with the increased use of video conferencing comes increased risks. In 2023, an IBM report determined that the average cost of a data breach reached a record high of $4.45 million. With such huge losses at stake, ensuring the security and privacy of these communications has become essential. 

In this article, we will explain more about why secure video conferencing is essential and we’ll provide steps to set up a secure system that keeps your business data confidential. 

Why Secure Video Conferences Are Important

Data breaches, unauthorized access, eavesdropping, viruses and malware, phishing attacks, unsecured data, identity spoofing and identity theft, and legal and compliance issues are just some of the many risks individuals and businesses face in every video conference.

Business meetings often involve the discussion of confidential information, including financial data, intellectual property, and strategic plans. A breach could lead to significant financial losses, competitive disadvantages, and reputational damage. 

Additionally, many industries are subject to strict regulations regarding data privacy and security. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in hefty fines and legal repercussions. For example, in the U.S., regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandate the protection of sensitive health information, and in the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union imposes severe penalties for data breaches.

With cyber threats expected to cause damage worth $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, secure video conferencing can help mitigate these threats and protect your business.

Steps to Ensure Secure Video Conferencing

Creating a secure video conferencing system is simple yet effective. By following these steps, you can protect your business.

1. Train Employees on Security Best Practices

Even unintentionally, your employees can be your weakest link in security. 

To mitigate this, it’s best to run regular employee training sessions that educate your employees on the importance of video conferencing security and best practices, such as recognizing phishing attempts and using strong, unique passwords.

2. Choose a Secure Video Conferencing Platform

Selecting a secure video conferencing platform is the first step in safeguarding your meetings. 

Look for secure platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams that offer end-to-end encryption to ensure that only the intended participants can access the meeting space. 

3. Set Meeting Security Controls

Reputable video conferencing platforms come with built-in safety features that you can customize or adapt to your advantage. 

You can implement password protection so that only attendees have access, use waiting rooms to control who enters the meeting, lock meetings once everyone has joined, or restrict file sharing by limiting or disabling this feature to prevent the distribution of malware.

4. Monitor and Audit Meetings

Monitor and audit video conferences regularly to detect and respond to suspicious activities. If anything looks out of place, you should immediately end the conference.

Keep a record of attendees in case of a breach, and take screenshots of any activity that raises a red flag.

5. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Using Two-factor or Multi-factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to gain access. This could include a password, face or fingerprint recognition, or verifying a connection using a mobile phone. 

6. Use Secure Network Connections

Public Wi-Fi networks are more susceptible to cyber-attacks, so it’s crucial that you ensure that all conference participants use secure, private networks for video conferencing.

It’s a good idea to encourage remote workers to use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to encrypt their internet traffic and protect sensitive information. This adds an extra layer of security and protects your data and identity from external parties. 

7. Keep Software Updated

Regularly updating your video conferencing software is crucial for security. Software updates often include patches for known vulnerabilities that cybercriminals could easily exploit. 

Enable automatic updates to ensure that you are always running the latest version and include this in your employee training. By making it a policy, you can ensure your business and your employees remain as safe as possible.

Security and Government Privacy Regulations

With remote work being so common and the workforce going global, adhering to government and meeting privacy regulations is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your business and avoiding legal issues. 

Here are some key regulations to be aware of when you’re hosting video conferences with employees or clients around the world:

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

In the US, the HIPAA mandates the protection of sensitive health information. For video conferencing, this means using platforms that comply with HIPAA requirements, such as providing secure communication channels and ensuring data encryption.

Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)

FISMA requires federal agencies and their contractors to protect information systems. Businesses working with government agencies need to ensure their video conferencing systems comply with FISMA standards, which include maintaining comprehensive security controls and conducting regular risk assessments.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

For businesses handling credit card information, PCI DSS compliance is essential. This standard requires robust security measures to protect cardholder data, including during video conferencing. Ensure your platform provides encryption and secure data handling practices.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR, which is applicable in the EU, requires businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens. Violations can result in fines of up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 million, whichever is greater. GDPR compliance for video conferencing includes ensuring data encryption, obtaining consent for data processing, and allowing participants to exercise their data rights.

The Bottom Line

A secure video conferencing system is essential for protecting your business, reducing the risk of a cyber attack, and complying with regulations. By following these guidelines, you can ensure the safety of your in-office and remote workers.

The cost of a security breach far outweighs the investment in a secure video conferencing system. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and always prioritize security to protect your business and its stakeholders.

Charli Tanner
Charli Tanner

Charli is a content champion for a variety of online publications. She often covers topics that cater to business owners and entrepreneurs with a strong focus on finance for startups, productivity, management, and a few other topics.

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