How to Make a Business Plan
As an entrepreneur, you may have an idea that you feel is a great venture opportunity. You have spotted a gap in the market and you have the necessary skills to make it profitable.
As an entrepreneur, you may have an idea that you feel is a great venture opportunity. You have spotted a gap in the market and you have the necessary skills to make it profitable.
Some businesspeople assume their companies need PPADB like a fish needs water. It depends on your business goals and where you believe your business can flourish.
Let's look at the simple process of how to start a business in Botswana. Registering a company has never been this easy, swift, and affordable.
What exactly is a company? And what makes it different from a business name (sole proprietorship)?
You have decided to start your own company. You are on the right track. Now, you need to appoint a company secretary. Here is what do you need to know.